Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hallelujah Thursday:)

Just cut up some peppers and onions for dinner...haveing italian sausage:) 
Nick had a game yesterday and they won:) 12-0 i think... 

went to the harwear store today tp get a couple things for dad and then went to Glen's to get the sausage and peppers...and some rude old man told me to learn how to drive... RUUUUDE!!!

and right now i'm watching Dr. Oz... he is a crazy man...

golly my eyes still sting...

got to talk to Leann today it was nice

i'm trying to find things to talk about today and i'm struggleing...

Going to the JV football game tonight...hope it doesn't rain like it did last night :/

so the dog is chewing on her wire cage, do you ever wonder what that feels like on their teeth!?!?!?!?


  1. Haha Yay those are the peppers that you were chopping when I I.M.ed you lol! ^_^ It was nice to chat, but sorry I had to get off so abruptly =/ Class had started and my prof was totally staring me down haha ;D

  2. haha no big deal:) i had more peppers and onions to cut and the onions were makeing my eyes water so bad i could bairly see
